Israel Air Force Commander General Amikam Norkin referred to the sale of F-35 stealth planes to the United Arab Emirates during a review of the year 2020.

Israel Air Force Commander General Amikam Norkin referred to the sale of F-35 stealth planes to the United Arab Emirates during a review of the year 2020. He refuted the arguments of those in favor. are expressed against this sale and indicated that there would probably be joint training between the air forces of the two countries with this type of aircraft. He recalled that the two air forces had already trained together last year in the Greek skies.

General Norkin stressed that normalization agreements between Israel and Gulf countries will have geostrategic influence in the region and strengthen stability. The Air Force commander, however, clarified that Israel will maintain qualitative military superiority throughout the region and especially in the skies, especially thanks to the technological level reached by Israeli military industries. Like the political leaders and the chief of staff, Amikam Norkin recalled that the IDF will not allow Iran to settle on Israel’s borders nor to provide high-precision missiles to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

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